What is coaching?

Support to DO something meaningful (not just think about it).

I know how much courage it takes to go from dreaming about a thriving community to actually working for it. It took me 3 years of thinking about organizing my neighbors to do something with vacant lots on our block before I finally started talking to people. Some familiar thoughts kept getting in my way: “I don’t have time”, “people won’t want to talk to me”, “what if I fail?” I was spending a lot of energy listening to my worries & doubts, but not doing anything with the dreams I had!

Of course, once I got started I found that my neighbors were excited to connect about their ideas and have a way to contribute to their community.

This is often how it goes when you’re doing something new or important. Our brains are primed to find danger and seek safety – constantly finding “good reasons” not to take action that might disrupt the current state of affairs, even when a better future is possible.

Coaching is a partnership that helps you learn, grow, and develop so you can access your courage & wisdom and act on what has meaning for you instead of getting tripped up by your worries & doubts.

I usually meet with my clients for an hour every other week over 3 - 6 months, and during those sessions I can support you to take action on any topic that’s important to you including how to…

Make A Meaningful Impact

Coaching supports you to clarify your vision for the community you’d love to be a part of, and helps you take consistent steps to make it real. Coaching can help you move past obstacles and stay focused on what’s most important.

Sustain Yourself

You may already be “doing” a lot, but doing so in a way that’s unsustainable, frustrating, or exhausting. Coaching will help you to bring more clarity, focus, ease, and grace into your life so that you can enjoy more and struggle less. Yes, it’s possible!

Bring Out the Best in Others

Community means working together towards common goals and interests. With support from a coach, you can learn how to create an empowering space for people to contribute in a way that’s authentic for them, no matter the circumstances.

Savor the Journey

Your life is precious! Coaching can support you to stay focused on what makes your life truly meaningful so that you can be in love with your life as you make a difference.


How is coaching different?

  • Therapy is about healing the past; coaching is about taking action.

  • Consulting offers expert advice and solutions; coaching draws forth your own expertise.

  • Mentoring offers wisdom from a mentor’s experience; coaching taps into your own wisdom.

  • Training fulfills set learning objectives; coaching clarifies your own objectives.

None are "better" than another — just different tools for different jobs.

Sunflower Photo by Audrius Sutkus on Unsplash


My Approach